El mundo en movimiento. Migración internacional y globalización
During the last 30 years international migration is of increasing quantitative and qualitative relevance. Its global dimension and complexity of social and economic migrants have necessitated a rethinking of the classical theories and explanations and incorporating new concepts such as circular migration, transmigration, migration fields and spaces, and so on. A traditional purely labor migration or survival or change of country to survive, you will now add others such as changing the country to live, which affects both groups of workers and students, refugees, officials, agents commercial and retirees. The migration flows are closely linked to globalization, both in global market is working and leisure, as in the redistribution of the wealth generated in rich countries, where it is sent by migrants to their places of origin, mostly in developing countries. Universal information channels, ease of transportation and financial institutions, both formal and submerged assist these movements of people and capital, thus accelerating the process of globalization. This article aims to give an overview of international migration, with a little history and collecting first part the theoretical questions raised by some experts. In a second part includes several examples of migrations illustrated with a simple mapping and representative of the different forms of migration (labor, student, retired, refugees, remittances) and migrant camps most striking, as are now the United States, Arabian Peninsula or the former USSR.Descargas
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