Rectal Ozone therapy role in the quality of life of a Heart Failure patient.


  • Javier Cespedes-Suarez Centro Médico Cardiozono
  • Pedro Conde-Perez Centro Médico Cardiozono
  • Joao Sanchez-Arnot Centro Médico Cardiozono
  • Jose Luis Calunga-Fernandez Consultório Médico Mexico-Cuba de Medicina Integrativa
  • Yisel Rodriguez-de-Celis Centro Médico Cardiozono
  • Carmen Luisa Rodriguez-Perellada Centro Médico Cardiozono



Heart failure, phenomenon of ischemia reperfusion, rectal ozone therapy, ejection fraction of the left ventricle.


Heart Failure (HF) is a nosological entity with multiple pathophysiological aspects including the phenomenon of Ischemia-Reperfusion (I/R) 6. It is reported to be a heterogeneous syndrome resulting from structural damage to the myocardial fiber which occurs through various mechanisms. On the other hand, ozone therapy has shown a protective role against I/R phenomenon observed in clinical situations such as HF and circulatory shock. On this point, our objective was to evaluate rectal ozone therapy effect in a patient with decompensated heart failure and diabetes mellitus type 2, treated at our Cardiozono Medical Center, in Luanda, Angola. Variables to be measured before and after rectal ozone therapy were: functional classification, biochemical parameters and left ventricular ejection fraction. As a result, rectal ozone therapy was able to improve the clinical condition of our patient, the renal and hepatic function tests were also improved and the ejection fraction of the left ventricle was significantly increased. As a conclusion we have that rectal ozone therapy, complementary to conventional treatment, improved the quality of life of this patient, as well as, the ejection fraction of the left ventricle was significantly increased, reflecting the cardioprotective effect of rectal ozone therapy.


Author Biography

Javier Cespedes-Suarez, Centro Médico Cardiozono

General Director Cardiozone Medical Centers Head of Ozone Therapy Department Cardiozone Medical Centers


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How to Cite

Cespedes-Suarez, J., Conde-Perez, P., Sanchez-Arnot, J., Calunga-Fernandez, J. L., Rodriguez-de-Celis, Y., & Rodriguez-Perellada, C. L. (2021). Rectal Ozone therapy role in the quality of life of a Heart Failure patient. Journal of Ozone Therapy, 5(6), 9–19.
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