Aprendizaje basado en problemas: la composición en el aula como desafío para aprender música




Palabras clave:

Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas, aprendizaje cooperativo, educación musical, composición musical.


El Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas (ABP), uno de los modelos centrados en el estudiante, prioriza el aprendizaje cooperativo/basado en desafíos, los docentes como “facilitadores” y procesos de evaluación formativa. En música, la búsqueda de formas para mejorar la (co)construcción del aprendizaje y respuestas complementarias a los métodos expositivos resuena con propuestas de composición, algunas de las cuales se han incorporado en los planes de estudios de Educación Musical en Portugal. Lo que caracteriza el ABP, qué datos existen sobre su aplicación y qué vínculos podemos establecer con el aprendizaje musical para sistematizar su implementación y estudio a través de la composición reflejan las preguntas de esta revisión bibliográfica. Pensar en el sonido/música, aprendizaje holístico, pensamiento creativo, proporcionan los conceptos a través de los cuales discutimos los fundamentos del modelo. Los resúmenes generan las siguientes conclusiones: el estudio del ABP arroja tanto beneficios como limitaciones, y la investigación sobre sus principios teóricos es más abundante; la composición representa un proceso de resolución de problemas, y el aprendizaje musical a través de la composición puede tomar forma que se alinee con el ABP; el ABP funciona como un modelo orientador para la planificación, acción e investigación musical/educativa, particularmente a través de la composición.

Biografía del autor/a

Maria João Vasconcelos, Universidade de Aveiro

Maria João Vasconcelos is a Music Education teacher at the secondary school since 2000, and currently a Research Fellow of the Foundation for Science and Technology (SFRH/BD/147004/2019). She is currently pursuing a Ph.D. project in Education (Supervision and Evaluation) under the supervision of the Research Units at the University of Aveiro, INET-md, and CIDTFF. She holds a Master's degree in Music Sciences (Ethnomusicology) from UNL-FCSH (Lisboa) and a Bachelor's degree in Music Education for Basic Education Teachers from IPC-ESEC (Coimbra). In addition to these qualifications, she has completed the General Violin Course and holds the 8th Grade in Musical Training from the Calouste Gulbenkian Conservatory in Aveiro. She has authored publications in the field of Music and Education and has been a flutist/piccolo player in a philharmonic orchestra for many years.

Helena Caspurro, University of Aveiro

Helena Caspurro is an invited Assistant Professor at the University of Aveiro. She has also taught at the School of Education in Guarda, Coimbra, and the Nova University of Lisbon. The topic of improvisation in learning, which she dedicated her doctoral dissertation to in 2006, is one of her preferred subjects in both her teaching and music career. She has conducted seminars at various national and international schools and universities and has directed and presented scenic music performances for children, youth, and music teachers, such as "Um Sonho Americano" (2011) and "Em Canto se Conta o Natal" (2013), by invitation of the Educational Service of Casa da Música. She is a pianist, singer, composer, and lyricist in the jazz and fusion genres, and has released three original albums: "Mulher Avestruz" (2003), "Colapsopira" (2009), and "Paluí" (2013), the latter being a commemorative CD for the 40 years of UA, broadcast on Antena 1. She has recorded with musicians such as Elizabeth Davis, Brendan Hemsworth, António Aguiar, Arnaldo Fonseca, Pedro Almeida, Carlos Mendes, Andrés Tarabbia, Mário Santos, among others. She has been featured on radio programs like "Cinco Minutos de Jazz" and "Paixões Cruzadas." She performs in concerts throughout the country and in 2013 was a guest performer at Tedx-Aveiro. She created and edited two videos, "Paluí" and "Navegar," in collaboration with Carlos Silva and Pedro Carvalho de Almeida, in partnership with the Avanca Film Club. These videos have been selected and nominated in numerous international film festivals, including the International Children's Film Festival in Lucknow, India. Her most recent multidisciplinary project is "Viagens por histórias sonoras que a língua portuguesa conta" (2014-16), aimed at promoting the Portuguese language through music. Approximately 500 children from the nine school clusters of Santa Maria da Feira participated in this project.

Nilza Costa, Aveiro University

Nilza Costa is a retired Full Professor from the University of Aveiro (Portugal) and an integrated researcher at the Center for Research in "Didactics and Technology in Teacher Education" - CIDTFF (www.ua.pt/cidtff/). Her main research interests are in Teacher Education (from secondary school to higher education), Assessment and Evaluation, and Teacher Staff Development (from secondary school to higher education teachers). She served as the coordinator of CIDTFF from 2012 to 2016 and as the coordinator of the Supervision and Evaluation Laboratory (Lab_SuA) at CIDTFF (www.ua.pt/cidtff/sua/) from 2015 to 2019. She has been involved in several nationally and internationally funded projects, both as a coordinator and as a research team member. She was the Coordinator of the Tempus TEREC Project - Revision and Update of Teacher Education (under reference 511063-TEMPUS-1-2010-1-PT-TEMPUS-JPCR, 2010-14), which was the only project coordinated by Portugal. She is the author and co-author of various publications in national and international journals and serves as a reviewer for scientific journals.


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