Anne de Graville Translates Alain Chartier: Identifying the Manuscript Source in the Margins of B.N. fr. 2253
Anne de Graville, Alain Chartier, Louis Malet de Graville, Marie de Clèves, Jacques Thiboust, manuscript, BN fr. 2253, BN fr. 924, National Library of Russia MS fr. f° v. XIV. 0007, Carl Wahlund, Rondeaux, Belle Dame sans mercyAbstract
An examination of the single manuscript of Anne de Graville’s Rondeaux, a ‘translation’ of Alain Chartier’s La Belle Dame sans mercy, as well as consideration of Carl Wahlund’s 1897 critical edition reveals that Anne used several manuscripts and early printed editions in establishing the version of Chartier’s poem written in the margins of BN fr 2253. The base exemplar was most likely St. Petersburg, National Library of Russia MS fr. f° v. XIV. 0007, with variants found in BN fr 20026, BN fr 924, and the early printed editions.
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