Els viatges dels incunables del Tirant (1490 i 1497) fins a la Hispanic Society of America





Incunabula, bibliophilia, Tirant lo Blanc, libraries, book history, booksellers, Archer M. Huntington, José de Salamanca y Mayol


Inside and outside covers, ex-libris, supralibris, stamps, are elements that give us valuable clues to reconstruct what we call the external history of old books. Preservation of old sale catalogues with manuscripts’ and early printed editions’ prices of acquisition written down by buyers, among other data, is an invaluable resource for tracing a rich past of collections and bibliophilia, and the reception that certain works got. In this article we focus on Joanot Martorell’s novel Tirant lo Blanc, published twice in the incunable period, first by Nicolau Spindeler in Valencia in 20/11/1490 and then by Pere Miquel in Barcelona in 16/09/1497. We reconstruct the history of those copies preserved in the library of New York’s Hispanic Society of America. These copies’ journey from the old continent to the United States of America allows us to explore the small and restricted market of antiquarian book dealers in late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century Europe, which reveals that the preservation of these copies was made possible by the interest of European booksellers working to meet demands of American bibliophiles wishing to fill their libraries with prestigious medieval works.


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Author Biography

Lourdes Soriano Robles, Universitat de Barcelona

Facultat de Filologia i Comunicació

Departament de Filologia Clàssica, Romànica i Semítica

Professora titular d'universitat


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How to Cite

Soriano Robles, L. (2022). Els viatges dels incunables del Tirant (1490 i 1497) fins a la Hispanic Society of America. Magnificat Cultura I Literatura Medievals, 9, 281–301. https://doi.org/10.7203/MCLM.9.23758
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