Debat i paròdia als versos de les trobairitz: Castelloza (BEdT 109,2) vs Bernart de Ventadorn (BEdT 70, 19)


  • Meritxell Simó IRCVM-Universitat de Barcelona



Castelloza, Bernart de Ventadorn, trobairitz, intertextuality, parody


This article documents and interprets the intertextual relationship between Castelloza's BEdT 109, 2 and Bernart de Ventadorn's BEdT 70, 19. After a brief introduction to Castelloza's poetry and its critical reception, we will analyse the clues that allow us to postulate, on the part of the trobairitz, an allusive intention to the song BEdT 70, 19 by Bernart de Ventadorn. The reading of Castelloza's song in the light of this dialogical relationship, as well as the insertion of the trobairitz's lyrical voice in the troubadour corpus considered as a whole, must allow us to question the traditional vision of Castelloza as a "melancholic" poetess, aware of her inferiority in relation to the esteemed being, revealing the parodic dimension of her poetry.


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How to Cite

Simó, M. (2022). Debat i paròdia als versos de les trobairitz: Castelloza (BEdT 109,2) vs Bernart de Ventadorn (BEdT 70, 19). Magnificat Cultura I Literatura Medievals, 9, 263–279.
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