Una Reflexió Crítica sobre la nostra lluita per un món més just i amorós


  • Antonia Darder Darder Loyola Marymount University


The article examines issues related to the politics of education within the tradition of Paulo Freire's pedagogy of love. The articles discusses key issues related to love as a political force, the dehumanizing impact of capitalism, an epistemology of love, the questions of conscientization, the issue of resistance ancd revolutionary presence, and the struggle to fight the good fightm within the context of a deeply unequal world. The discussion moves the reader to consider what it means to dream the unimaginable in their pedagogical and political praxis.


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Biografia de l'autor/a

Antonia Darder Darder, Loyola Marymount University

Antonia Darder is an internationally recognized Frerean scholar and Professor Emerita at Loyola Marymount University, where for more than a decade she held the Presidentilal Endowed Chair of Ethics and Moral Leadership. Currently, she is the President of the DALI Institite, through which she continues to carry out her many research, writing and speaking projects around the world. She is a American /educational Research Association Fellow, the recipent of the AERA Scholars of Color Lifetime Contribution Award, and an award-winning author and editor of more than 20 books and numerous  articles in the field.




Com citar

Darder, A. D. (2024). Una Reflexió Crítica sobre la nostra lluita per un món més just i amorós. QUADERNS D’EDUCACIÓ CONTINUA, (50), 24–33. Retrieved from https://pasquin.uv.es/index.php/QEC/article/view/27629
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