Design and validation of an evaluation questionnaire of clinical supervision



Palabras clave:

medicine, formative evaluation, teaching evaluation, student evaluation of teacher performance, test validity


Clinical supervision in medicine is a mode of teaching in the service that pursues as an end the independent practice of the medical profession. In clinical supervision, the teacher assumes a role modeling student performance in a context of real professional practice. The goal of this article is to report the research process that allowed the development of a questionnaire of formative evaluation of clinical supervision based on the opinion of the students. The method consisted of three empirical studies. (i) a process of exploration of the context of clinical supervision that was achieved through documentary analysis and semi-structured interviews; (ii) the design of the formative evaluation questionnaire for clinical supervision in medicine, which required the identification in the literature of the domains of clinical supervisors define an instrument planning matrix, submit the planning matrix to content validation by experts, a pilot study and a content validation process of the items; and (iii) a third study to generate validity and reliability evidences. The results revolve around the construction of a formative evaluation questionnaire of clinical supervision that allows valid and reliable interpretations. The evidence generated in the research confirm that the evaluation of the teaching competences, regardless of the context, requires consider the didactic planning, the conduction of the teaching process itself and the evaluation of the learning of the students.

Biografía del autor/a

Rubén Abdel Villavicencio-Martínez, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Autonomous University of Baja California

Profesor Researcher at Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Autonomous University of Baja California (Baja California, Mexico). He is the correspondig author for this article. Postal address: Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales UABC - Calzada Universidad #14418, Mesa de Otay, C.P. 22427 Tijuana (Baja California, Mexico).

Edna Luna-Serrano, Institute of Educational Research and Development. Autonomous University of Baja California (Baja California, Mexico).

Researcher at the Institute of Educational Research and Development, Autonomous University of Baja California (Baja California, Mexico). She is the director of REDIE (Electronic Journal of Educational Research). Her postal address is: Institute of Educational Research and Development. Autonomous University of Baja California. Km. 103 Carretera Tijuana-Ensenada. C.P. 22860 Ensenada, Baja California (Mexico)


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