Dos Hesíodes per a una teogonia: mitologia nacional catalana
DOI: clau:
Mythology, Identity, Catalan Literature, History, Romanticism
This article emphasizes the decisive role played by Antoni de Bofarull and Víctor Balaguer in constructing the ideas and imagery which would feed Catalanist thought as well as their role in creating a Catalan national mythology. The analysis centres on the activities of these two writers from the 1840s to the 1860s, which
fostered a better understanding among Catalans of their own history and which, above all, provided the foundation on which Catalonia could be characterized as an intrinsically democratic country. This said, they also gave importance to Catalan medieval institutions (and to those who defended them when any king tried to devalue them) as well as justifying the rebellious character of the Catalans. This can be seen in revolts against injustice and absolutism such as the war with John II, the Segadors war, and the War of the Spanish Succession, as well as in phenomena such as banditry.
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