Collective Social Responsibility: An extended three-dimensional model of Corporate Social Responsibility for contemporary society
The Collective Social Responsibility model (CSRm) arises as a response to questioning the current vision of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). After analysing several authors and sources, this research proposes a vision that is more in line with reality and events in contemporary society and can contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). The study had three main objectives: (i) to propose a theoretical model to expand the concepts associated with CSR, (ii) to explain the proposed model and its implications for companies, society, and the environment, and, finally, (iii) to establish the relationship between the proposed model and the SDG promoted by the UN. This study used a qualitative methodology based on documentary review and inferential and deductive reasoning. The Collective Social Responsibility model (CSRm) proposed here is an expanded and updated version of CSR, observed from a three-dimensional perspective. The proposed model seeks to transform not only the impact that organizations and businesses have on society, but also the way in which governments, companies, groups, and individuals complement each other in relation to this field.
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