Exploring the Positive Experiences of Senior High School Teachers in Teaching the Sports Track during the K-12 Transition Years in Southern Philippines

Institute of Sports Physical Education and Recreation, University of Southern Mindanao, Kabacan, Cotabato, Phillipines


Implementing the Enhanced Basic Education Act (GOVPH, 2013), has significantly transitioned the Philippine Education System. While research in Physical Education has explored the early impact of this educational reform since its enactment in 2013, there is a noticeable absence of studies focusing on teachers' favorable experiences in teaching the Sports Track Program in Senior High School. To address this research gap, a Qualitative Phenomenology Research Design was employed to investigate and elicit the favorable stories and experiences of teachers engaged in this program. Participants from selected schools in the Cotabato Province (Philippines), participated in focus groups, in-depth interviews, and extensive field observations, ensuring data triangulation. Five significant issues emerged from the participants' narratives through this rigorous approach. These issues encompass participative and kinesthetically intelligent learners, alignment between Sports Track competencies and teachers' college-acquired knowledge, promoting interactive teaching and learning practices, incorporating practical and hands-on activities within the curriculum, and facilitating more straightforward curriculum implementation. The findings of this study contribute to the development of conclusions and implications for enhancing the performance of the Sports Track Program within the Philippine Senior High School Curriculum. By understanding the favorable experiences of teachers, this research serves as a valuable resource to inform policy improvements and pedagogical practices that can further optimize the Sports Track Program's effectiveness and overall educational outcomes.


Sports Track, Teachers' Positive Experiences, Favorable Stories of Teachers, Philippine K to 12 Transition, Phenomenology


La aplicación de la Ley de Educación Básica Mejorada (GOVPH, 2013) implicó cambios significativos en el Sistema Educativo Filipino. Si bien la investigación en Educación Física ha explorado el impacto temprano de esta reforma educativa desde su promulgación en 2013, se observa una notable ausencia de estudios centrados en las experiencias docentes favorables en la enseñanza del Programa de Pista Deportiva en la Escuela Secundaria Superior. Para abordar este vacío en la investigación este artículo emplea un Diseño de Investigación Fenomenológica Cualitativa para investigar y obtener las historias y experiencias favorables de los profesores que participan en este programa. Los participantes de las escuelas seleccionadas en la provincia de Cotabato (Filipinas) participaron en grupos de discusión, entrevistas en profundidad y extensas observaciones de campo, facilitando así la triangulación de los datos. De las narraciones de los participantes surgieron cinco cuestiones significativas. Estas cuestiones abarcan lo relativo a alumnos y alumnas cinestésicamente inteligentes y participativos, la concordancia entre las competencias propias de la Pista Polideportiva y los conocimientos adquiridos por los profesores en la universidad, la promoción de prácticas de enseñanza y aprendizaje interactivas, la incorporación de actividades prácticas en el plan de estudios y facilitar una aplicación más sencilla de los planes de estudio. Los resultados de este trabajo contribuyen al desarrollo de conclusiones e implicaciones que permiten mejorar el rendimiento del Programa de Pista Deportiva dentro del plan de estudios de la Escuela Secundaria Superior filipina. Al comprender las experiencias que los docentes entienden como favorables, esta investigación se convierte en un valioso recurso que informa sobre las mejoras políticas y las prácticas pedagógicas que se pueden implementar para optimizar aún más la eficacia de este programa y los resultados educativos generales.

Palabras clave

pista deportiva, experiencias docentes positivas, historias docentes positivas, transición educativa de escuela primaria a secundaria, fenomenología


L'aplicació de la Llei d'Educació Bàsica Millorada (GOVPH, 2013) va implicar canvis significatius en el sistema educatiu filipí. Si bé la investigació en Educació Física ha explorat l'impacte primerenc d'aquesta reforma educativa des de la seua promulgació en 2013, s'observa una notable absència d'estudis centrats en les experiències docents favorables en l'ensenyament del Programa de pista esportiva a l'escola secundària superior. Per a abordar aquest buit en la investigació, aquest article empra un disseny d'investigació fenomenològica qualitativa per a investigar i obtenir les històries i experiències favorables dels professors que participen en aquest programa. Els participants de les escoles seleccionades a la província de Cotabato (Filipines) van participar en grups de discussió, entrevistes en profunditat i extenses observacions de camp, facilitant així la triangulació de les dades. De les narracions dels participants van sorgir cinc qüestions significatives. Aquestes qüestions abasten aspectes relatius a estudiants cinestèsicament intel·ligents i participatius, la concordança entre les competències pròpies de la pista poliesportiva i els coneixements adquirits pels professors en la universitat, la promoció de pràctiques d'ensenyament i aprenentatge interactives, la incorporació d'activitats pràctiques en el pla d'estudis i facilitar una aplicació més senzilla dels plans d'estudis. Els resultats d'aquest treball contribueixen al desenvolupament de conclusions i implicacions que permeten millorar el rendiment del Programa de pista esportiva dins del pla d'estudis de l'Escola Secundària Superior filipina. En comprendre les experiències que els docents entenen com a favorables, aquesta investigació es converteix en un valuós recurs que informa sobre les millores polítiques i les pràctiques pedagògiques que es poden implementar per a optimitzar encara més l'eficàcia d'aquest programa i els resultats educatius generals.

Paraules clau

pista esportiva, experiències docents positives, històries docents positives, transició educativa d'infantil a secundària, fenomenologia

Practitioner notes

What is already known about the topic?

  • Safeguarding the strength of the country's educational system is paramount for fostering overall national development. While the Philippines has demonstrated a strong dedication to providing high-quality education, several indicators raise concerns about a potential decline.

  • For instance, students' international comparative exam performances indicate areas requiring attention and improvement. Additionally, there appears to be a gap between the skills and competencies of Filipino graduates and the demands of the global industry.

  • Addressing these indicators is crucial to ensure that the education system aligns with global standards and equips students with the necessary skills to thrive in an evolving and competitive landscape. By actively addressing these challenges, the Philippines can foster a robust education system that supports the country's development goals and empowers its citizens to contribute effectively to the global arena.

What this paper adds?

  • This study provides valuable insights into the positive experiences of physical education teachers in teaching the sports track program in senior high schools in the Philippines. The findings highlight the significance of factors such as curriculum, school administration support, and student characteristics in maintaining effective pedagogical content knowledge.

  • The study emphasizes the importance of creating an environment that fosters professional growth, facilitates interaction with competitive learners, and provides institutional support for training and physical activity.

  • The research indicates that a hands-on teaching and learning approach, prioritizing active participation and interaction, optimizes student engagement and learning outcomes.

Implications of this research and / or paper

  • Creating a supportive environment that fosters professional growth and provides institutional support can enhance the quality of teaching.

  • Teachers who feel supported and valued are more likely to be motivated and engaged in their instructional practices, resulting in more effective teaching and improved student learning outcomes.

  • Prioritizing active teaching methods and promoting student engagement through hands-on activities and interaction can enhance the learning experience.

  • Implications underscore the importance of creating a positive and dynamic teaching-learning process that maximizes teacher effectiveness and promotes meaningful student engagement and learning.


Ensuring the country's educational system's continued strength is a critical factor in promoting the country's overall development. Filipinos are encouraged to respect education as a reliable tool for speeding social progress, inspiring patriotism, and encouraging community development under the 1987 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines (GOVPH, 1987). The following excerpts highlight how vital education is for Filipino citizens and demonstrate why education must be made available to everyone:

The State shall give priority to education, science and technology, arts, culture, and sports to foster patriotism and nationalism, accelerate social progress, and promote total human liberation and development

(Section 17, Article 2)

The State shall protect and promote the right of all citizens to quality education at all levels, and shall take appropriate steps to make such education accessible to all

(Section 1, Article 14)

The State recognizes the complementary roles of public and private institutions in the educational system and shall exercise reasonable supervision and regulation of all educational institutions

(Section 4, Article 14)

The State shall assign the highest budgetary priority to education and ensure that teaching will attract and retain its rightful share of the best available talents through ad- equate remuneration and other means of job satisfaction and fulfillment

(Section 5, Article 14)

Despite a strong commitment to high-quality education, multiple indicators suggest that Philippine education has been in danger of declining. These indicators include students' performances on international comparative exams and an insufficient match between Filipino graduates' skills and competencies and global industry needs. These signs stem from a lack of political support for fundamental changes, a weaker institutional atmosphere favorable to change, and a rapid enrollment increase, resulting in overcrowded classrooms. Researchers also emphasized the importance of improving the Philippine educational system (Sergio, 2012).

To address this issue thoroughly, the legislative branch enacted Republic Act 10533, commonly known as the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 (GOVPH, 2013), which intends to strengthen the country's basic education offering by improving the curriculum and adding the necessary years for basic education. Consequently, the school curricula have been completely updated and revised to better align their aims and goals with the needs of today's students. Additionally, physical education and health have been upgraded to better suit the interests and conditions of the learners as one of the courses offered in the basic education curriculum.

Compared to other subject teachers, physical education teachers face a unique set of duties for ensuring students' academic performance. They were unusual because they were responsible for facilitating a learning process in an area of knowledge that promotes physical literacy among students and focuses on their performance in various physical activities. Additionally, their extensive knowledge, talents, and experiences are essential to students' performance development since they are the primary source of information that students acquire and use in their jobs (Baykara & Orhan, 2020).

Physical Education Teachers develop professionally when they work in a supportive atmosphere that enables them to offer a stimulating environment for the learning community while maintaining an awareness of their efficiency. This conduciveness requires providing adequate facilities and equipment, assigning acceptable workloads, maintaining institutional support, and maintaining a manageable class size filled with cooperative students (Richards, Washburn, Carson, & Hemphill, 2017). Although several studies have emphasized the significance of these characteristics, Physical Education teachers, particularly in the Philippine setting, continue to encounter various related issues and tales, particularly in light of the recently implemented K-12 curriculum (Rutkowska & Zalech, 2015).

Various scholars' previous research has highlighted the challenges and issues faced by the K–12 curriculum. According to aAsia (2019) poll, the Philippine educational system struggled to meet the new curriculum's requirements, citing various school-based deficiencies. Due to insufficient facilities and a teacher shortage at the Senior High School, track and strand offerings were limited. Sports Track, a senior high school program designed to prepare students for careers in physical education or sports-related fields (Nucum, 2018), has been identified as one of the least-provided strands in the country. Due to institutional constraints on the availability of resources for track offerings, Sports Track is only available to schools with the financial means to invest in facilities, equipment, and infrastructure, leaving students with the option of competing for slots or choosing another track (Brilliantes, Orbeta, Francisco-Abrigo, Capones, & Jovellanos, 2019). This incompatibility between students' abilities and the sports program jeopardized the instructional effectiveness and retention rate of Physical Education teachers (Agboola, Adeyemi, & Ogbodo, 2014).

Physical Education teachers now have new stories to tell as online classes have become the norm. Due to the closure of educational institutions to strengthen the implementation of social distancing measures due to the alarming cases of the COVID-19 pandemic, discussion and communication between teachers and students occurred in virtual classrooms and social media platforms. As a result, Physical Education teachers began utilizing technological tools for remote instruction, despite personal concerns about how their delivery of digital Physical Education would be affected (Varea, Gonzales-Calvo, & Garcia-Monge, 2020).

Because previous research has concentrated exclusively on identifying problems and challenges related to this research topic, this study was conducted to document the favorable stories and experiences of Physical Education teachers teaching in the Sports Track during the Philippine K to 12 transition years. This research was able to conceptualize to fill the void left by the absence of relevant studies that examined positive experiences that previous studies overlooked. The purpose of this research was to establish a connection between the stories and experiences that shape the overall experiences of Physical Education teachers when they teach their subjects. Because Physical Education teachers are the primary facilitators of students' learning progress, their input should be valued in decision-making to enhance the learning environment and experience.

Further, this study can be associated with social constructivism theory since social interactions and shared experiences shape teachers. According to social constructivism, knowledge is constructed through meaningful interactions with others and the environment. In this context, the theory can help elucidate how teachers' interactions with students, colleagues, and the educational environment influence their perceptions, teaching strategies, and overall experiences in the Sports Track Program. By examining the social aspects of teaching and learning within the program, this research can explore how teachers' favorable experiences are influenced by collaborative activities, feedback from students and colleagues, and the overall socio-cultural context, thus shedding light on the social construction of knowledge and the factors that contribute to positive teaching experiences in this specific educational context.


Design and Procedures

A phenomenological qualitative design was employed in this study to fulfill its objective. Phenomenology seeks to uncover a phenomenon's essence through individuals' firsthand experiences. It recognizes human experience as a genuine way of interpreting the world. It aims to describe and evaluate participants' fundamental information and perceptions regarding their involvement in a specific scenario or occurrence. In this design, participants' worldviews and perspectives are considered credible sources of knowledge (Eddles-Hirsch, 2015).

Furthermore, qualitative phenomenology research captures participants' social realities within their natural environments. This objective is achieved through in-depth interviews, where data is gathered and interpreted in terms of implicit meanings. Each interview session lasted approximately 50 minutes per research participant, allowing ample time for participants to share their experiences, insights, and reflections. A non-formal interview approach created a relaxed and conversational atmosphere, encouraging participants to express themselves and provide rich, context-specific information freely.

The phenomenological qualitative design, coupled with in-depth interviews, facilitated a comprehensive exploration of the favorable experiences of senior high school teachers in teaching the Sports Track Program. By delving into the subjective perspectives of the participants, this research aimed to gain a deeper understanding of the phenomenon and provide valuable insights into teachers' lived experiences in this educational context. The researchers obtained permission letters from multiple study locations and a signed informed consent contract from research participants. Following that, interviews were scheduled at their convenience. The researchers were inspired by Virgilio Enriquez's "Makapilipinong Pananaliksik" (indigenous Filipino method in research introduced in 1975) (Enriquez, 1976). The non-aggressive Filipino approach known as "pakikipagkwentuhan" (casual conversation) inspired this style. For analysis and interpretation, all interviews are audiotaped and verbatim transcribed.

Participants and Materials

This study employed a purposive sampling technique to select the primary participants, comprising twenty physical education teachers currently teaching in the Senior High School Sports Track at selected public schools in the Cotabato Province, Philippines. This sampling approach ensured a diverse representation of teachers with varying years of experience, marital statuses, and academic ranks. By including teachers from different demographic backgrounds, the study aimed to capture a comprehensive range of positive experiences, highlighting the significance of the Sports Track Program for teachers regardless of their characteristics. This sampling procedure allowed for a robust exploration of favorable experiences among physical education teachers, contributing to a richer understanding of the topic.

This study used an interview guide questionnaire that experts in physical education rigorously validated. The questionnaire was designed to elicit in-depth responses from the participating teachers, allowing them to share their experiences, perceptions, and insights regarding the Sports Track Program. A non-formal interview approach was employed as the primary data-gathering method, enabling a conversational and open-ended interaction between the researchers and the participants. This approach fostered a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere, encouraging the teachers to freely express their thoughts and provide detailed accounts of their favorable experiences in teaching the Sports Track Program. The non-formal interview method facilitated rich data collection and provided the researchers with valuable firsthand information that contributed to the depth and authenticity of the study's findings.

Analysis and Interpretation

Data reduction, presentation, conclusion formulation, and verification were followed to analyze the transcribed information. Data reduction obtains the required information by filtering participants' replies and isolating the critical and relevant concepts. The acquired data are subsequently converted into figures, tables, or conversations. Thematic analysis is a technique for classifying data and categorizing qualitative data. On the other hand, data display refers to the method by which ordered data is presented. This stage allows the flow of information from which the conclusion will be drawn. Finally, conclusions were drawn and confirmed. After examining their replies to the questions, the conclusion picture describes the principal inputs identified in the study. Verification, on the other hand, strengthened the conclusion by reexamining the evidence as many times as required until the needed confirmation was reached.

The (Piantanida & Garman, 2009) experiential-theoretic transition model was employed to ensure rigor and artistry in this qualitative study. The participants' real experiences were recounted at the start of the interpretation. Following a comprehensive discussion of the participants' experiences, iterative interpretations were offered based on their remarks. Finally, ideas and studies were utilized to support the data's interpretation. Personal bias was avoided to retain the participants' honest opinions and sentiments.

Ethical Consideration

Ethical considerations were paramount in this study to ensure the rights and well-being of the participants. Before their involvement, the participants were given a detailed informed consent form that clearly outlined the purpose, procedures, potential risks and benefits, and their rights as research participants. The informed consent form emphasized voluntary participation, confidentiality, and the right to withdraw from the study without consequences. By obtaining informed consent, the researchers ensured that the participants were fully informed and had the autonomy to make an informed decision regarding their participation.

Moreover, the researchers diligently minimized their perspectives and biases throughout the study. They recognized the importance of maintaining objectivity and impartiality to uphold the integrity of the research. Steps were taken to establish a neutral stance during data collection and analysis, avoiding preconceived notions or personal opinions that could potentially introduce bias. By adopting an open-minded and non-judgmental approach, the researchers aimed to present the participants' experiences and perspectives accurately and faithfully.

Strict confidentiality measures were implemented to further safeguard the participants' rights and privacy. All data collected during the study were treated with utmost confidentiality, and participant identities were protected using pseudonyms or codes. Any identifiable information was securely stored and accessible only to the researchers involved in the study. These measures ensured the anonymity and privacy of the participants and their contributions to the research.

Overall, this study adhered to ethical guidelines and principles, ensuring that the participants were fully informed and their rights were respected. The study aimed to maintain objectivity and produce trustworthy findings by minimizing the researchers' perspectives and biases. The protection of participant confidentiality further ensured the integrity of the research and upheld the ethical considerations throughout the study.


Table 1: Physical EducationTeachers' Favorable Stories and Experiences in Teaching in Philippine Senior High School Sports Track.

Major Themes

Frequency of Responses

Core Ideas

Sports Track Learners are Participative, Hyperactive, and Kinesthetically Intelligent


• Students are quick learners and active participants.


• Students are eager to acquire new abilities.


• Students are receptive to new activities.


• The students are hyperactive.


• Students are receptive and enthused


• The students demonstrate kinesthetic intelligence.


• Students are relatively simple to train.

Teachers' Gained Knowledge in College Corresponds with Sports Track Competencies


• Teachers applied all of the knowledge they gained during my college years


• Teachers are assigned to a special sports program.


• Teachers who have completed their specialization are oriented toward a sports-specific program.


• Teachers put what they've learned in their degrees into practice.

More interactive Teaching – Learning


• Teachers are not perfect in their field so they also learn from their students.


• Teachers are experts in their field but also learn from their students through interactions during school activities.


• There is interaction between students and teachers during school activities.


• Teachers take pleasure in gaining knowledge from their students.


• Students also impart learnings to teachers.


• Teachers and students collaborate on learning

Sports Track Curriculum Incorporates Practical and Hands-on Activities


• Teachers and students practically collaborate on tasks or lessons.


• It focuses more on the realistic and practical aspects of teaching.


• It is more situational and hands-on instruction.


• It is more about experiential learning.


• They develop skills collaboratively through hands-on instruction student activities.

More straightforward Implementation of Sports Track Curriculum


• The curriculum is excellent and relatively simple to execute.


• The curriculum assists teachers in making their jobs easier.


• It is balanced, advocating for both the teacher and the student.


• The curriculum is beneficial in that it is segmented by specialization.


• The curriculum is geared toward students pursuing careers in sports.


• The curriculum assists students in preparing for careers as educators.


• The curriculum is excellent since it teaches students how to be successful in sports.


• In some ways, this is beneficial. After all, they will not delve deeper into the things taught because they are already included in the curriculum.


• The specialized program in sports focuses on a particular area of expertise.

Legend:   General– response mentioned by 50% or more of the participants / Typical –  response mentioned by at least 25% but less than 50% / Variant – response mentioned by less than 25% of the participants.

Sports Track Learners are Participative, Hyperactive, and Kinesthetically Intelligent

The first main theme consolidated the developing replies in which teachers reported their observations of students' performance in Physical Education. The participants identified various elements that led to the students' enthusiasm (Table 1).

Students' physical competence and social skills increase when the classroom environment encourages them to participate actively and become productive (Bailey, 2006). Students' motivation to engage rose when the learning experiences were geared toward their areas of interest. According to Bray (2013), having the confidence to perform well in a task significantly correlates to an individual's functionality.

When participants were asked how their students performed in class, the comments frequently referenced their diversity and lively personalities. Their propensity for active participation in theoretical conversations over passive participation is the cause behind this tendency. Teacher 13 and Teacher 6 had similar sentiments:

I find them quite enthusiastic about learning inside the classroom and outside its walls. They are extremely kinesthetically active, preferring to undertake the task quickly, but we must first discuss the regulation before enforcing it."

(Q1, T13)

They have varying preferences... your strategies must include physical exercises that will move them. They cannot afford to be idle. They are enthused...

(Q1, T6)

Additionally, the participants saw that the students' varied personalities did not interfere with their ability to have a positive learning experience. Rather than that, they cooperate. Teacher 5 corroborated this, while teacher 6 expanded on the concept:

And then for the learners, they're good because they are different from each other. Our students are diverse…

(T5, Q1)

… they are all diverse that's why they have different attitudes. However, they can still cooperate so most probably when it comes to learning, their experiences are still wonderful…

(T6, Q1)

This harmonic interaction between the students and the material provided a seamless teaching experience for the participants. This conclusion is conveyed in the following remarks by teachers 2 and 12:

...the most of them are quick learners. They can immediately grasp the lessons and apply them smoothly...

(Q1, T2)

most individuals enrolling in the sports track are athletes who have competed in local and national meets. That is why training them is not tough, as they have already gained expertise during their elementary and junior high school years.

(Q12, T12)

On the other hand, as confirmed by Teachers 5 and 6, the students' prior educational experience and kinesthetic intelligence significantly aided in the assimilation of the knowledge they disseminate:

...I admire them simply because they are born with kinesthetic intelligence. Learning by doing—most of them can perform the task at hand

(T5, Q1)

...They cannot simply sit about, and I can tell they are more enthusiastic than the other strand courses. Indeed, their intelligence is kinesthetic

(T6, Q1)

These findings indicate that students are interested in Physical Education and Sports, contributing to their eagerness to learn. As stated in the following excerpts from the interviews, the teachers appreciated this willingness:

...learners demonstrate a desire to acquire new abilities. They, too, are competitive, but some of them behave poorly...

(Q1, T4)

In terms of learners, I am most impressed by their responsiveness and enthusiasm as I train them for their future careers.

(Q1, T6)

Teachers' Gained Knowledge in College Corresponds with Sports Track Competencies

The second theme details the participants' experiences imparting personal knowledge about the subject to the students. They reported happiness with their working environment, owing to their good fortune in being assigned to disciplines in which they had specialized throughout their tertiary study. This environment helped them further develop their knowledge, enhancing the effectiveness of the information they dispense to the students. Teachers 3's and 11's testimonies corroborated this implication:

...I am extremely satisfied since I implemented all of the knowledge I gained during my college years. I put it into practice and shared it with my students. That is it.

(Q2, T3)

In terms of application and teaching, as a physical education graduate, it enables me to impart knowledge in my unique area of specialization, particularly in sports... Teaching Senior High School Sports Track allowed me to put what I studied in my degree into practice.

(Q2, T11)

Additionally, they were able to concentrate on examining the many tactics they employ to accommodate students' learning styles. To ensure the effectiveness of the selection, it is necessary to consider the relationship between the practical application and the core knowledge and abilities of Physical Education (Whittle, Telford, & Benson, 2018). Fortunately, they were able to accommodate to them well, as Teacher 2 confirmed:

...In my seven years of teaching, I've learnt a great deal. One advantage is that I am capable of catering to a variety of different sorts of learners through the varied tactics I employ in class. It's wonderful that we can cater to them all.


Gilakjani (2012) stressed the important nature of these behaviors in achieving excellent learning outcomes. Besides academic proficiency, he believes teachers should be mindful of what students already know to choose the most effective teaching style. When teachers' college -acquired knowledge aligns with the competencies required in the Sports Track Program, they are better equipped to deliver relevant and meaningful instruction to their students. This alignment ensures that teachers have a strong foundation in the subject matter, pedagogical approaches, and assessment methods necessary for effective teaching in the Sports Track Program (Ball, Thames, & Phelps, 2008).

Further,Saltan and Arslan (2017) explained that aligning college-acquired knowledge and Sports Track competencies can enhance teachers' confidence and competence in their instructional practices. When teachers feel competent in their subject area and deeply understand the program's requirements, they are more likely to deliver engaging and practical lessons, leading to positive experiences for both teachers and students.

More Interactive Teaching – Learning

The third theme is mutual learning between students and teachers. As previously said, the students' enthusiasm and passion are intrinsically linked to the subject. This means that they possess a level of literacy that teachers whose credentials do not correspond to the topic allocated to them may lack. This is common in public schools, where hired teachers lack the necessary educational background for the subjects taught in Senior High School (Brilliantes et al., 2019). Respondents established an interactive environment where students exchange their perspectives and learn from one another to address this knowledge gap. This method is demonstrated in the responses of teachers 8, 6, and 10:

Therefore, if you teach sports, your instruction does not revolve solely around the four corners of the classroom. Additionally, there is excellent contact outside the classroom during physical activity...


...it is not just that we teach students, but students occasionally provide us with expertise in a particular discipline. When it comes to learners, some are more knowledgeable than we are...


While participants may experience inconvenience because of the new curriculum, this issue increases student engagement as students are encouraged to communicate more with their teachers. This inclusiveness facilitated the facilitation of feedback that benefited both the teachers' teaching performance and the learners' holistic competency (Bertills, Granlund, & Augustine, 2019).

Further, Brooks and Magnusson (2006) explained that physical education and sports involve active participation and engagement. The nature of sports track subjects necessitates a hands-on approach, where students actively participate in various physical activities, practice skills, and engage in team-based or individual sports. This active participation fosters a dynamic and interactive learning environment.

Sports Track Curriculum Incorporates Practical and Hands-on Activities

This theme highlights hands-on teaching-learning practices that occur during the implementation of teachings. While the teacher should guarantee that Physical Education contributes to the overall development of the students, the expected outcomes of the performances remain the learners' responsibility (Cloes, 2017). Following this, Teacher 16 described their experience researching several genres within a given field, such as dance:

We provide material to students and then let them study independently, encouraging them to express themselves through hands-on activities. This is one of the curriculum's strengths. We also provide an interactive environment where we can all learn from one another. As the difficulty level increases, we, as their teachers, become more adaptable.


According to the participant's comment, the practice made the students more adaptable and competitive. Teacher 16 explained that the sports track curriculum pushed students to explore many dance and sports genres and hone their talents to compete at the highest level. Students were instilled with the ability to be adaptable and productive.

...our students are exceptionally adaptable. They can pick up any kind of dance through hands-on exercises... The sports track curriculum makes our students extremely productive and globally competitive.


Additionally, participants mentioned the subject's practicability, owing to their involvement in situational-based learning, where they acquire skills that they can apply in real life. Teacher 9 and teacher 12 listed the physical activities in which they collaborated with their students:

...the positive experiences I've gained or experienced on the sports track are that it's more realistic, situational, practical, and hands-on...


The positive experiences I've had while teaching are all hands-on. They acquire knowledge from their experiences. We practice drills, conduct joint research, and then apply what we've learned. We work one-on-one with my players and they learn via experience, which is the best part of teaching.


According to the participants' statements, incorporating cooperative learning into the teaching technique results in an increase in students' productivity in terms of academic and physical performance. This strategy encourages students' cognitive abilities to communicate and do tasks, allowing them to absorb information actively (Lee, 2014).

More straightforward Implementation of Sports Track Curriculum

This theme assesses the Sports Track Program's curriculum. One of the components of high-quality physical education is a practical curriculum that molds students holistically and successfully evaluates their performance by establishing criteria that define their growth rate (CDC, 2010). Given that the subject's objective is to execute interventions that accomplish its stated objective, it is essential to ascertain whether the intervention was helpful for both teachers and students (Starc & Strel, 2012).

Participants believe the program is well-balanced. It contains material appropriate for the students' level and a streamlined content that relieves the teachers of the burden of determining the order of lessons. These are proven by teacher 5, 4, and 10 in their responses:

Because the curriculum is changeable, it benefits us teachers. As a result, we no longer struggle to determine the order of the classes we want to offer to the students.


According to the curriculum, it is appropriate for the students' current level. I believe it is in some way pro-students.


Additionally, the curriculum was developed to fulfill the needs of both students and teachers. To begin, it focuses on students' academic and physical growth and prepares them to become better professionals in their chosen sport or field. Teachers 7 and 9 reviewed the curriculum's suitability for the students' information consumption, while Teacher 11 discussed the subjects presented in the program:

The curriculum is good; it is tailored to student-athletes who demonstrate true athletic ability. That is the most enjoyable aspect of the curriculum.


In terms of curriculum, it emphasizes specialized areas and gives opportunities for lifelong learning.


Some classes prepare students to become future educators, such as basic sports psychology, interacting with players, and identifying the athletes' requirements, among others. It teaches them what they must do to improve as coaches and players.


Additionally, the curriculum can enhance the students' current status. It enables them to receive specialized training in the various physical activities they study. Teachers 15 and 6 both confirmed this:

The curriculum is excellent because it teaches them how to be good athletes and citizens. It's tough in a way because most students on the sports track are hyperactive...


The curriculum is excellent. What's great about athletics track is that it allows students to grow. It also served as a platform for students to choose from if they were not attracted to other scales such as linguistics or logic. It enables students who are kinesthetically intelligent to succeed.


Finally, the curriculum allows teachers to expand their expertise to provide their students a higher level of Physical Education. Teacher 13 grew on this situation as follows:

The positive experience that I have had as a result of the curriculum is that teachers were given time to attend seminars; for example, in athletics, they were sent to seminars and we learned the fundamental laws and regulations as well as the many sporting honors...



In conclusion, this study provided valuable insights into the positive experiences of physical education teachers in teaching the sports track program in senior high schools in the Philippines. The findings highlighted the importance of various factors, including the curriculum, school administration support, and student characteristics, in maintaining the effectiveness of teachers' pedagogical content knowledge. The study emphasizes the significance of creating an environment conducive to professional growth, where teachers can interact with competitive learners and receive institutional support for training and physical activity.

Further, based on the research participants, students in the sports track program exhibited multiple intelligences, with a notable emphasis on kinesthetic intelligence. Their hyperactive personalities, participative behaviors, and ability to develop versatility throughout the learning process demonstrated the effectiveness of a hands-on teaching and learning approach. As a result, instructional tactics should prioritize active participation and interaction to optimize student engagement and learning outcomes.

Furthermore, the study emphasized the advantage physical education teachers with postsecondary degree-based competencies have in teaching specialized and applied courses. When teachers possess a broad knowledge and experience in various physical education settings, it becomes easier to implement the Senior Sports Track Curriculum. This foundation allows teachers to focus on further developing their skills and proficiency to effectively meet their students' learning demands.

Moreover, this study underscores the importance of fostering a supportive environment, promoting active teaching methods, and ensuring teachers' professional development to enhance the quality of sports track education in senior high schools. These findings have significant implications for policy-making and pedagogical practices, aiming to optimize teachers' and students' educational experiences and outcomes in the sports track program.