Geological context and micromammal fauna characterisation from the karstic infilling of La Pedrera (Albaida, Valencia, E Spain)


  • Ana Fagoaga Universidad de Valencia
  • Francisco Javier Molina Universidad de Alicante
  • Vicente D Crespo Departament de Botánica i Geología, Universitat de València
  • César Laplana Museo Arqueológico Regional de la Comunidad de Madrid
  • Rafael Marquina Departament de Botánica i Geología, Universitat de València
  • Francisco J Ruíz-Sánchez Departament de Botánica i Geología, Universitat de València


Palabras clave:

Biochronology, palaeoenvironment, palaeoclimate, Mutual Ecogeographic Range method, Hitat Weighting method


La Pedrera is a new palaeontological site located south of the province of Valencia, between the Betic and Iberian Ranges, in a cavity filled with sediments inside a tufa formation. Roughly 260 fossil remains, corresponding to 14 taxa, have been recovered and studied from Unit III. Six rodents (Microtus sp., M. sp. gr. M. (Terricola) duodecimcostatus-lusitanicus, Microtus sp. gr. M. brecciensis-cabrerae, Arvicola sapidus, Eliomys quercinus, and Apodemus sp. gr. sylvaticusfl avicollis), one lagomorph (Oryctolagus cf. cuniculus), three insectivores (Soricinae indet., Crocidura sp., and Talpa cf. europaea) and four bats (Myotis blythii, Rhinolophus cf. ferrumequinum, Myotis bechsteinii, and Rhinolophus euryale) have been identified. The relative chronology obtained by means of the identified species and geological information suggests that this part of the cavity was filled with sediments during the Late Pleistocene or the beginnings of the Holocene. Furthermore, Mutual Ecogeographic Range method and Habitat Weighting method show colder and wetter conditions than in Albaida (Valencia, Spain) nowadays


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Cómo citar

Fagoaga, A., Molina, F. J., Crespo, V. D., Laplana, C., Marquina, R., & Ruíz-Sánchez, F. J. (2020). Geological context and micromammal fauna characterisation from the karstic infilling of La Pedrera (Albaida, Valencia, E Spain). Spanish Journal of Palaeontology, 32(2), 241–259.
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