Teeth and tooth whorls of the stem chondrichthyan Doliodus from the Early Devonian of the Gaspé Sandstone Group, Gaspé Peninsula, Quebec, Canada
https://doi.org/10.7203/sjp.26372Palabras clave:
Emsian, Gaspé Sandstone Group, teeth, York River FormationResumen
The Early Devonian (Emsian) vertebrate fauna of the Gaspé Peninsula, Quebec (Canada) shows close affinity with the Emsian fauna from the Atholville beds, New Brunswick (Canada). Specimens collected in the early 2000s from several localities in central Gaspé include molds of tooth whorls and isolated teeth that we assign to the stem chondrichthyan Doliodus. Isolated teeth of this taxon were first described from the Atholville beds in the late 1800s by Arthur Smith Woodward, who erected a new species Diplodus problematicus. Whereas the Atholville beds teeth are usually preserved individually or in tooth families, and as hard tissue, the Gaspé teeth are mostly preserved as molds of tooth whorls, with individual teeth sharing a thin bone base. Thin sections of Doliodus teeth from the Atholville beds show parallel close-set vascular canals extending above the base plate and through tooth bases, with teeth formed of osteodentine and meso- or orthodentine. We consider that all the known dental elements assigned to Doliodus are conspecific with the articulated Doliodus specimen and thus all are assigned to the same species D. latispinosus. The teeth are compared with the diplodont teeth of other stem chondrichthyan taxa, in particular the Omalodontiformes.
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