Journal refereed on research and applications in Music Education. ISSN 1575-9563
4.Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement
4.1 Ethical principles of research, authorship and publication
EJME will reject articles containing any of the following dishonest actions:- Fabrication of results (when fictitious data are presented).
- Falsification (when data are manipulated or changed).
- Omission (when information is deliberately hidden).
- Plagiarism (when information, ideas or data from other authors are presented as one’s own). The editors warn against two types of plagiarism: a) direct copies from other works without quotation marks or citations of the sources; b) modification of other works, paraphrasing the original text or without sufficient identification of the source. In this case, detection of plagiarism is done with some specialized tools like Urkund and Ephorus, licensed by the institution holding the co-propriety of EJME.
- When required, institutions who have financed research for an article must grant permission for publication, and in all cases authors must cite any financial institutions or other organizations that have supported the work.
- EJME will reject previously published works.
- Authors are responsible for obtaining permissions to reproduce materials (texts, graphics, etc.) as well as the correct citation of sources. Authors warrant the originality of their works. It is not allowed to publish the same research in more than one journal. EJME assumes no responsibility in any disputes arising from a published article’s authorship.
- When required, institutions who have financed research for an article must grant permission for publication, and in all cases authors must cite any financial institutions or other organizations that have supported the work.
- When presented with evidence of dishonest practice, the journal will reject any work published, and will include a note referring to that practice in the issue in which the article was published (see section 4.4).
4.2. Ethical responsibilities of the authors, reviewers and editor.
a) Duties and responsibilities of the authors
- When experiments have been carried out with humans, the work must attest that it has followed procedures conforming to local, national, and institutional regulations. In each instance, the work must explicitly state the ethical guidelines following during research in the body of the article.
- The institution financing the research must provide permission for publication or, when applicable, the author or authors must cite the financing entity, the beneficiaries, and the project reference.
- The journal will not accept previously published material. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission for the partial reproduction of some materials (texts, graphics, etc.) and for the correct citation of sources published in other journals.
- Authors must provide a declaration in writing about the authenticity of the data disclosed in the proposed article and recognize and cite content reproduced from other sources (and, when necessary, obtain necessary permission) as well as warranty that the article has not been sent to any other journal.
- Authors must declare any potential conflicts of interest.
- All articles that pass the first round of selection (editorial committee) must undergo an external double blind review process.
- Authors are responsible for the correction of errors or for retractions, when needed, either by means of communication with the editor or through cooperation in making changes.
- The journal will not be held liable for disputes arising from the authorship of a published article.
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ISSN: 1575-9563