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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • It is important that you read this checklist carefully. Please make sure that you meet all the requirements. Otherwise, your file may be rejected and not advance in the evaluation phase.

    The content is original and unpublished, and therefore, has not been previously published or previously submitted to another journal (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the editor). Cuadernos Electrónicos de Filosofía del Derecho uses the anti-plagiarism tools provided by the Universitat de València (URKUND) to detect coincidences and similarities between the texts submitted for evaluation and those previously published in other sources.

    Therefore, the submission has not been previously published or submitted for consideration by any other journal (or an explanation has been provided in the "comments to the editor").

    The submitted file is in Microsoft Word or Open Office format and web addresses have been added for references where possible.

    The text complies with the bibliographic and style requirements indicated in the Guidelines for Authors, which can be found in the "About the journal" tab.

    If you are submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, you must ensure that the instructions for blind submission have been followed to ensure double anonymous peer review.

    To ensure the integrity of the blind peer review of the submission made for this journal, efforts must be made to prevent the identity of the authors and reviewers from being known to them. This involves authors, editors, and reviewers (who upload documents as part of their review) checking whether the following steps were taken for text and file properties:

    1. The authors of the paper have removed their names from the text, using "Author" and year in references and footnotes, instead of author name, paper title, etc.

    2. With Microsoft Office documents, the author's identity must also be removed from the file properties starting with File in the main menu of the Microsoft application: File > Save As > Tools (or Options on a Mac) > Security > Remove personal information from file properties when saving > Save.

    3. With PDF, the author's name must also be removed from the Document Properties found under File in the main Adobe Acrobat menu.

  • I have a contractual relationship with a higher education institution, either as a professor (in any of its modalities) or as a pre/post doctoral researcher (FPU, FPI and similar).

  • I accept and comply with CEFD's ethical standards and best practices statement.

  • To be published in the Articles section, it is necessary to have a contractual relationship with a higher education institution, either as a professor (in any of its modalities) or as a researcher in training (FPU, FPI, etc.).

Author Guidelines


Only submissions whose author is linked to a university institution, either as PDI, PAS or Research Personnel will be accepted.

It is very important that these instructions are respected. The reception of originals that do not follow these guidelines may be rejected by the Editorial Board.

Period of reception of articles: Authors have to upload the file with their article at any time to the CEFD OJS system. For organizational purposes, articles received from June 1st to December 31st (both inclusive) will be considered for the June issue. Articles uploaded from January 1st to May 31st will be considered for the December issue.

Texts sent to CEFD may be rejected by the Editorial Board for formal reasons, such as: spelling, lexical imprecision, unnecessary use of Anglicisms, bad punctuation, disjointed syntax, lack of clarity or inconsistencies; or for not being in line with the thematic criteria that the journal deals with. For this reason, authors are recommended to review both the linguistic aspects and the thematic of their texts to the criteria established by the journal before submission.

For the Articles section, the works must be original and unpublished. In the event that they are published during the deliberation of the Editorial Board, the authors must immediately notify the CEFD in order to proceed with their withdrawal. Works in other official languages of Spain might be accepted at the discretion of the Editorial Board. Regarding the layout of the article, it is compulsory to include the bibliographic references following the conventions indicated in these standards. Foot notes have to be placed at the bottom of the page. The length must be between 6.000 and 12.000 words. The use of inclusive language is strongly recommended. In the case of texts with co-authorships, authors must submit arguments based on the complexity of the research, that justify the participation of more that one author. If there is no substantial arguments to justify the co-authorship, the text can be rejected by the Editorial Committee.

For the Book Reviews section, texts should refer to relevant and recently published books. The use of inclusive language is strongly recommended.

The following criteria are some of the reasons that justify the non-acceptance of works:

  1. To exceed the established extension.
  2. Not to use the proposed citation system.
  3. To not follow the formal instructions.
  4. To submit the work not respecting the deadlines indicated by the Editorial Board or the Secretary when dealing with the article.
  5. Any other circumstance that the Editorial Board considers inappropriate for the publication of the work.


In all cases, the format to use is:

1. For the Normal style: Arial letter, point 12, spacing before 12 and after 0, spacing 1,5 points, no indentation. All sections should be numbered, from the introduction to the bibliography. The Arabic numerals of the following form must be used:

1. Section

   1.1. Subsection

       1.1.1. Subsection subsection

2. For footnotes: letter Arial, point 9, spacing before 6 and after 0, line spacing 1 point. The notes, if any, will be numbered consecutively and will be located at the bottom of the page.

3. For the Bibliography: Arial font, point 10, 1 point spacing. Symbols (such as –– or ·) must not be used before each bibliographic entry. In order to improve their automatic reading, the last names and the name of the author of the work must always be included.



1) In the Articles section, the document must include two additional initial pages with the following sections:

Page 1:

- Title in Spanish and English.

- Identification data of the authors, including the institution to which they belong, relationship with it (professor, researcher, among others), full postal address, email, ORCID number and website (if the case of having them).

- Scholarships or Competitive/Reseach Projects within which the article has been developed.

Page 2:

- Title (in Spanish and English).

- Abstract (in Spanish and English): maximum 100 words.

- Keywords (in Spanish and English): between 3 and 5.


Page 3 and following:

- The title in the first line, followed by the text without authorship data to assure an anonymous evaluation.

- Summary (the form that the summary must have can included can be checked in the articles that are published at that time).


Bibliographic references

A final Bibliographic references section must be included. Them must be presented as follows:

1. Book / Monograph:

Shklar, Judith N.; Los rostros de la injusticia, Barcelona: Herder, 2015.

2. Journal article:

Gonzalez Vicén, Felipe; "The Philosophy of Law as a historical concept", Anuario de Filosofía del Derecho, XIV, 1969, pp. 15-65.

3. Work or book chapter:

Gonzalez Vicén, Felipe; "Preliminary study to the translation of On the utility of the study of Jurisprudence» of John Austin", in Studies of Philosophy of Law, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Faculty of Law, University of La Laguna, 1979, pp. 17-33.


2) In the Book Review section, the document must have as title the book to which it refers. It must follow this style: Surname1 Surname2, Name. Title of the book. Place of publication: Publisher, Year.



It is possible to request the creation of special sections that unifies texts with the same theme and that are the result of a conference, a research project, among others. These texts must follow the same instructions indicated in the ARTICLES section, and the period for receiving them is the same. All texts will be subjected to a double blind external evaluation by peers. Due to the editorial capacity of CEFD, only one special section will be managed per calendar year. Those interested in requesting the creation of a special section should send an email the Editorial Board (, with, at least, the following information:

  • Personal details of the rmaking the request (name, surname, email, university to which he/she belongs).
  • An appropiated justification for the creation of the special section and how this is in correspondence with the editorial thems of CEFD.
  • Approximate number of texts that might be received. It should be taken into account that the special sections must have a minimum initial number of 5 texts and a maximum of 10.
  • Once this information is received, the Editorial Board will issue a justified opinion of the adopted decision that will be communicated to the person making the request.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes stated by it and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other person or entity. The user may exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition at any time by contacting the following email address:

The University of Valencia, its foundations and associated entities are adapted to the LOPD and the RGPD. They have enabled an address for any information, suggestion, request to exercise rights and amicable resolution of disputes regarding the protection of personal data. More information at “privacy policy”.