Identity, submission and exclusion. Vicissitudes of tolerance in the ancient world


  • Manuel Escamilla Castillo Universidad de Granada



Tolerance is a defining feature of modern society. It arose as a reaction to a previous situation contrary to it and which, in turn, defined human societies from the beginning of time. This previous situation and contrary to tolerance is that of societies defined by collective identities. Studying identity collectivism is a good way to know the idea, demands and limits of tolerance in our societies. This work intends to do it by analyzing it in the first historical societies of the European sphere.


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Manuel Escamilla Castillo, Universidad de Granada

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Director de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez


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How to Cite

Escamilla Castillo, M. (2020). Identity, submission and exclusion. Vicissitudes of tolerance in the ancient world. Cuadernos Electrónicos De Filosofía Del Derecho, (42), 43–66.
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