Humanitarian assistance as a viable and effective alternative to immigration detention: for an integration-centered immigration policy on returns


  • Nacho Hernández Moreno Universidad de Murcia



Immigration detention is part of a punitive and security-based migration policy of protection "against" the "other", ignoring the protection “of” the “other” and the integration perspective that should govern any strategy in this context. The sole deprivation of liberty in the absence of a crime presents serious difficulties in justifying its proportionality, necessity, and reasonableness, so it is urgent to implement effective alternatives. The humanitarian reception programs to which many people released from the CIE during the pandemic were transferred can stand as a sustainable, viable and effective alternative to immigration detention that may as well favor their social integration.


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How to Cite

Hernández Moreno, N. (2021). Humanitarian assistance as a viable and effective alternative to immigration detention: for an integration-centered immigration policy on returns. Cuadernos Electrónicos De Filosofía Del Derecho, (45), 100–126.
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