Europe´s neurosis about the closed commercial state. A philosophical approach to the possibilities and limits of a European Social Union




The European Union has to reconsider the concept of solidarity that underlies the variety of its social welfare systems. The problem at stage is its relation with national identity. This paper deconstructs the argument of a solidarity conditioned by a “primordial social glue” while tracking down the evolution of the normative fundament of the welfare state from a philosophical point of view. Based on the works of GWF Hegel, Lorenz von Stein, Hermann Heller and Thomas Marshall, the paper demonstrates that the social welfare state finds its continuity in a European citizenship that challenges the privileges of national citizenship.


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Peter Ehret

Peter Ehret es profesor sustituto interino en el departamento de Filosofía del Derecho de la Universidad de Granada. Su tesis doctoral investigó la legitimidad democrática de la Unión Europea desde un enfoque hegeliano. Peter Ehret ha publicado en varias revistas sobre el fundamento filosófico del Estado nación y los problemas que plantea este problema para la legitimidad democrática. 


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How to Cite

Ehret, P. (2023). Europe´s neurosis about the closed commercial state. A philosophical approach to the possibilities and limits of a European Social Union. Cuadernos Electrónicos De Filosofía Del Derecho, (48), 80–110.
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