Evolution of the right to family reunification in the recent jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights, in the face of the economic and humanitarian crisis
This article analyses the evolution of the case law of the European Court of Human Rights over the last two decades in its interpretation of Article 8 of the ECHR, relating to respect for family life, and specifically regard to the exercise of family reunification. A jurisprudence that has served to establish a minimum standard of respect and protection of the Human Rights of all residents, regardless of their origin, in the face of the restrictive and sometimes racist and populist drift of some countries. Likewise, the important role that the family can play in the construction of a new European demos in which the reactionary strategy of fear is abandoned, in favour of a complex and inclusive equality, as Professor De Lucas pointed out, retaking the European essence to face the demographic challenge that the continent will face in the coming decades.
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- Universitat de València
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