Cultural diversity and identities: can interculturalism be extended to non-ethnic groups?
The article addresses the issue of cultural diversity and the rights of non-ethnic minorities, such as the homosexual minority and the Deaf community. It discusses the interculturalism approach and the alternative of individual rights from the view of equality. It also examines how these identities assert themselves as authentic subcultures and what consequences this may have for identity formation, rights discourse, and models of cultural diversity management. It is necessary to recognise that all people have the same basic rights, regardless of their ethnicity, genetic characteristics, or sexual orientation. Their choices and decisions regarding their personal identity must be respected. It is debated whether the protection of identities, in this case subcultural diversity, requires group rights or simply the mechanism of individual rights is sufficient. The homosexual minority and the Deaf community are analysed in depth. It concludes that both should be protected as (sub)cultural and/or linguistic minorities and not only as social minorities. Finally, Law can remain a zealous guardian of difference as long as the difference is understood as a common condition, the most profound condition of each of us.
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- Universitat de València
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