The Atticus code. Tribute to Professor Javier de Lucas Martín
Javier de Lucas has successfully and rigorously tackled many research topics in his long academic life. From immigration, racism and xenophobia, to civil disobedience and conscientious objection, through his doctoral thesis on Durkheim or his work on classics such as Condorcet, the concept of solidarity, tolerance, the principle of sovereignty, the paternalistic justification of power, secrecy and transparency or the Kantian principle of publicity, among many others. This brief article, however, focuses on a very specific content of his enormous work: the Atticus code and its relationship with the ideal of the rule of law and democracy.
Publication Facts
Reviewer profiles N/A
Author statements
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- N/A
- Publisher
- Universitat de València
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SANDEL, Michael: Contra la perfección. La ética en la era de la ingeniería genética, Ed. Marbot, Barcelona, 2015.
SÉNECA, Lucio Anneo: Sobre la brevedad de la vida, el ocio y la felicidad, traducción de Eduardo Gil Bera, Acantilado, Barcelona, 2013.
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