Justicia transicional y justicia reconstitutiva || Transitional Justice and Reconstitutive Justice
RESUMEN. El presente trabajo contrapone dos versiones de la justicia transicional: para la primera, minimalista, se trata de una justicia ordinaria que solo es excepcional porque debe ejercerse en condiciones extremas que no afectan sin embargo a su naturaleza. En cambio, en la segunda concepción, la justicia sale profundamente transformada ante el tipo de violencia política que debe afrontar, e inaugura de forma permanente una posición diferente de la justicia en la democracia. El sentido profundo de la institución de una nueva categoría de crimen, el crimen contra la humanidad, es esta exigencia de repensar el papel de la justicia asignándole la tarea de proteger la política de sus gérmenes totalitarios, inherentes a la política misma. En este sentido, la justicia transicional no debe suprimir todo conflicto, ni desterrar toda vida política sino civilizarla, trazando claramente la frontera de lo inaceptable.
ABSTRACT. The aim of this work is to compare two versions of the term transnational justice: for the first one (the minimalist one), this concept regards to ordinary justice that is only exceptional because it must be exercised in extreme conditions that, nevertheless, do not affect to its nature. By contrast, for the second one, justice is deeply transformed by the type of political violence it has to confront, and transnational justice starts a new and different permanent position for justice inside of the democracy. Thus, the creation of a new crime category, the crime against humanity, obliges us to rethink the role of justice ascribing to it the task of protecting the politics from totalitarian germs that are inherent to politics itself. In this sense, transnational justice should neither eliminate every conflict, nor banish all political life but to civilize this one, with the intention of clearly outlining the border of the unacceptable.
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- Universitat de València
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