El plano de la Particular Contribución de Valencia de Francisco Antonio Cassaus (1695) y sus corolarios del siglo XVII
In 1694, the jesuit Francisco Antonio Cassaus raised a map of the Particular Contribution of Valencia, territory that was making a detour to the city and on which this one was exercising the supreme jurisdiction, which was edited in 1695 by Ascensi Duart. Lost for a long time, his recovery in 1997, proceeding from a private collection, has allowed us to clarify the confused references that were had of the same one and to incorporate it definitively into the history of the Valencian cartography. In this article the above mentioned map is analyzed, one of the few ones that were taken to the press during the 17th century in the former Kingdom of Valencia, and one gives news of his corollaries of the 18th centuryDescàrregues
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