Las Salinas de Arcos y su paisaje. Bases para el diseño de un parque patrimonial municipal
In rural areas, the salt aquifer use related to the Keuper has generated a culture and landscape tied to the salt production. The salt, essential component for the life, became a key product in the sociopolitical structures of Spain. For their manufacture, knowledge and singulars infrastructures were needed. Today these knowledge and infrastructures are considered rural cultural heritage. But due to market globalization, the trend of closing down saltpans is more enhanced for last third of 20th century. Arcos de las Salinas, town council of the province of Teruel bordering with Valencia, is a good example. Its history is related to the salt production. The operation ceased and the abandonment of installation has accelerated the deterioration process of this rich and singular rural heritage. One of the alternatives to avoid the saltpans deterioration and to increase the culture, the identity and the local economy is the design of a local heritage park around the saltpans, bussiness and salt culture.Descàrregues
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