La contratación en origen de rumanos para actividades agrícolas de temporada en España
Before the problems of manpower that came raising at times from harvesting of the agricultural crops the Administration, in collaboration with the most representative managerial organizations and trade unions, they have adopted a specific mechanism inside the formula of the contingent (quota): the well-known like contract in origin of season. The implantation of this route of labour recruitment of foreign laborers in his/her countries of origin has modified qualitatively and quantitatively the group of foreign seasonal workers that every year comes to the different agricultural Spanish campaigns. The enterprise preferences have come centring in Romania, mainly from the total integration of Poland in the European Union (EU) and the reduction of the interest of their nationals to work in these tasks. Which are the reasons of this election? What volume of Romanian labourers comes to Spain and how it has been his/her evolution? To what campaigns do they come? Which is the selected profile? What perspectives of future have these contractings?Descàrregues
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