Las galerías drenantes de la provincia de Almería
The cultural heritage constitutes one of the research lines with more projection among geographers. The historical processes and crossbreeding of cultures happened in Spain have been reflected in the territory, resulting in a rich water heritage with great presence in the East and Southeast of the Iberian Peninsula. The drainage tunnels, singular underground water harvesting systems, belong to this rich hydraulic legacy, which has great spatial, social and economic importance in the region. These tunnels are particular features in areas with limited overland water resources areas. The purpose of this work, inside the framework of the European Project Foggara, Inventory, analysis and valorisation of traditional water techniques of European and Saharan drainage tunnels, is to describe, to analyse and to make the typological identification of the drainage tunnels in the province of Almería. The final aim is to determine their morphological and functional features.Descàrregues
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