The geographical mobility of cross-border workers from eastern Europe in the last two decades
asymmetric flows, cross-border workers, Eastern Europe, geographic mobility, regional differencesAbstract
The number of people working in a country other than the country of residence is increasing dramatically in Europe, and is doing so more sharply in Eastern countries, which currently provide nearly half of cross-border workers. This article examines the recent trends in this collective’s geographic mobility and the factors that drive it. The text is based on the work of researchers from different countries and on the statistical information provided by Eurostat and the European Commission. The increase in flows is related, among other factors, to the enlargement of the European Union, full freedom of movement and socioeconomic differences between countries of origin and destination. Most of the trips cover short distances and are markedly asymmetrical. In intra-European mobility, post-communist countries provide labour to western countries. Germany and Austria are the most important destinations due, among other reasons, to the geographical position close to the countries of origin.
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