From the transcultural foundations of picaresque to the terminology debate : picaresque to picarism?
Picaresque, transcultural, tale, social inequality, picarismAbstract
This study is a reflection on the basic reasons behind the transculturality of the picaresque. It explains why picaresque culture and writing can go one side to the other of literary and geographic boundaries. From this perspective, the analysis questions the foundation of the picaresque. On the one hand, it emerges that the picaresque poetics draws inspiration from the story, which is a cultural and literary transcultural practice. On the other hand, social inequality, being the trigger of the picaresque, is also unique to humanity and therefore cross-border. Consequently, the study argues that the picaresque owes also its transculturality to the tale and social injustice that underlie it and which are, themselves, inherently transcultural. This approach revisits the track of influence often summoned in studies on the practice of the picaresque outside Spain or Europe. It proposes the idea of the existence of a non-contact resemblance that involves a terminological debate that this reflection does not fail to lead to a terminology suggestion: picarism.
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