The "monstrous" mutations of gender. The formation of the self in the work of Edouard Louis
Coming-of-age novel, gender, queer, Édouard Louis, homonormativity, masculinityAbstract
This article analyzes recent texts by Édouard Louis through the prism of a gender and genre approach. First, the coming-of-age novel, or Bildungsroman, is introduced, which tells the story of a hero in search of his place in the world. Secondly, the question of literary genre is joined with that of gender. Starting from Judith Butler’s theory of performativity, we consider the journey of a fictional character as a search for non-problematic gender performance. Édouard escapes working-class and bourgeois masculinity, passing through a stage of homonormativity. We suggest that the most effective performance is that of the “monster,” that is, one that goes against heterosexual normativity.
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