Culture and identity put to the test by displacement –For a topographical reading of displacement in Tahar Ben Jelloun’s 'Partir'–
Tahar Ben Jelloun, displacement, lexical approach, identity, cultureAbstract
This article aims to study the expression of displacement from a typological perspective and to examine the scope of typology on the semantic and lexical enunciation of spatial information. Tahar Ben Jelloun’s novel Partir is concerned, among other things, with displacement, a topos with true priority in the diegetic universe. This spatialization of the meaning of the world leads to dissecting the captivity of the diegesis in a given space and, therefore, the reproblematization of identity factors caused by displacement. Immigration is both for the writer and his protagonists, a fatality, and an existential choice, evoking both the movement of the self in space and the movement of space in the self. Immigrants change their name, language, culture, and identity. This identity malaise reveals the two facets of wandering, namely the geographical pilgrimages and the wanderings of the spirit in search of the European El Dorado.
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