Diasporic subject: between attempt at integration and temptation to fundamentalism, reading in ‘Ce vain Combat que tu livres au Monde’ of Fouad Laroui


  • Ahmed Aziz Houdzi Universite Chouaib Doukkali




subject, diaspora, integration, disintegration, fundamentalism


This article proposes to explore through Fouad Laroui’s novel Ce vain combat que tu livre au Monde (Laroui, 2016) the different identity transformations of a diasporic subject in direct contact with immediate History. Its destiny is unfolding against the backdrop of an overmediatization of fierce and virulent debates, which draw the faces of a France inhabited by the specter of identity wars ((Blanchard et al., 2016), and faces a historical remanence which leaves profile how “identity ankyloses” (Shayegan, 1989, p. 5) that punctuate the present time are indebted to the “past that strives to emerge from the present” (Ashcroft et al., 2012, p. 50). Fouad Laroui seizes on the attacks that struck the heart of Paris in 2015 to open up analytical perspectives capable of informing us not only about certain conflicts that cross today’s multicultural society, but also about the means likely to reduce them. Thus, he invites us to read and reflect on the different interactions that a diasporic subject operates with the vagaries of a disrupted geopolitics and offers us a romantic explanation of a character whose life will capsize between the ardent desire to i integration into secular French society and the integrist temptation that unfolds in the theocratic society illustrated in its most monstrous face by the Islamic State.


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Author Biography

Ahmed Aziz Houdzi, Universite Chouaib Doukkali

Ahmed Aziz Houdzi prépare une thèse de doctorat sur l’hybridation culturelle et axiologique dans le roman marocain francophone de la Nouvelle Génération sous la direction de Mme Salima Khattari, professeur à l’Université Mohammed V, Rabat, Maroc et M. Khalid Zekri, professeur à l’Université Moulay Ismaïl, Meknès, Maroc. Parmi ses publications : Houdzi, A. A. (2018). L’Individu, une émergence impossible : valeurs en conflit dans la littérature marocaine d’expression française de la Nouvelle Génération. Romanica Silesiana , 2 (14), 144-155. Houdzi, A. A. (2019). L’hybridation culturelle dans le roman marocain francophone contemporain : stratégies scripturales et enjeux symboliques. Le cas de Le mariage de plaisir de Tahar Ben Jelloun ». Les cahiers du Centre des études doctorales , (7), 2019. Houdzi, A. A. (2020). Démasquage de l’imposture coloniale ou quand Mardochée contre-attaque par l’écriture le récit de Charles de Foucauld ». Soroud , (5), 47-57.


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How to Cite

Houdzi, A. A. (2022). Diasporic subject: between attempt at integration and temptation to fundamentalism, reading in ‘Ce vain Combat que tu livres au Monde’ of Fouad Laroui. HYBRIDA, (5(12/2022), 97–110. https://doi.org/10.7203/HYBRIDA.5(12/2022).24026
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