Trauma and female resistance in two North-South literary contexts. The importance of orality in Aïssatou Diamanka-Besland's 'Le pagne léger' and María Reimóndez's 'Desde el conflicto'.
Aïssatou Diamanka-Besland, María Reimóndez, militant feminism, orality, transgression, endurance
After tracing a brief history of feminism, we will characterize the various trends to which scholars ascribe “African feminisms” and the peculiarities multi-identities of Galician feminism. Aïssatou Diamanka-Besland and María Reimóndez are writers and feminists. Both belong to two geographically opposite literary contexts. Her novels, Le pagne léger and Desde el conflicto, feature women immersed in the trauma, subalternity and invisibility that engenders the domination of patriarchy. The elements that unite them are more important than those that separate them, since both seem to be immersed in a real and imaginary mobility, but above all transgressive in the face of what is politically correct, and they fight to survive in extreme situations. Starting from the studies of Spivak and Mohanty and the concept of “subalternity”, we will analyze to what extent the two writers resort to orality to give a voice to silenced women from different geographical spaces.
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