Alioum Fantouré’s cult of personality and monstrosity: hybridity as a form of expression of the grotesque
Dictature, culte de la personnalité, monstruosité, hybridité, grotesqueAbstract
With his first two novels, Guinean writer Alioum Fantouré inaugurates the “independence trial” in Guinean literature. In them, he denounces dictatorship and the cult of personality that supports it, in a context of deprivation of freedoms and abuses of all kinds. One of the original features of his writing lies in the fact that these defects are assimilated to a cult whose deities present a figure of monstrosity that can also be read on a formal level, especially if we take a close look at the composition of his second novel, Le Récit du cirque.
This article sets out to demonstrate what is monstrous about these deities and the cult devoted to them, as well as in the texts that depict them, while at the same time examining what, in the deployment of this thematic and formal monstrosity, makes Fantouré’s novels a staging of the grotesque as defined by Mikhail Bakhtin.
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