"All you have to do is tell her it's beautiful". Research and creation essay on the invisibility of women artists
invisibility, violence, women artists, research-creationAbstract
This text is a research-creation essay on violence against women artists, based on my experience as a mixed-race researcher-artist who was the victim of moral harassment at work. This autofiction draws on the processes of delegitimisation, violence and invisibilisation that have accompanied my artistic and professional career. This autofictional account is based on a fictional dialogue with Jeannine Guillou, an invisibilised woman painter, wife of Nicolas de Staël, who died in 1947 of exhaustion and was brought back to life by an exhibition in 2011 accompanied by a catalogue. The dialogue is based on a scenography made up of photographs of several of my paintings, emblematic of my career. This scenography will represent a symbolic path, from anonymity to visibility, from impostor syndrome to the spotlight on my career as an artist, in counterpoint with the path of other forgotten or little-known women artists.
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