Results of the vocational training policy in Spain and Germany
Vocational training offers an educational pathway into the labour market that closely matches its requirements and meets societal demands for qualified workers in the different professional and productive sectors. This article analyzes the current situation of vocational education and training in Spain, comparing it to that of Germany which is highly recognised worldwide for its success as a result of its close alliance with the business sector. A comparative look at the legal and institutional framework of each country, as well as their distribution of educational competencies between central government and regions, do not show major differences between them. However, the comprehensive study of a series of indicators from the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop) points to a lower implementation of vocational training in Spain, especially of the dual system, which could be attributed, among other factors, to a lesser consensus on educational reforms and an insufficient vertical and horizontal coordination between public administration and social agents. In turn, the indicators show the positive impact of vocational training, that is reflected in higher levels of labour market insertion, productivity and wages. The article concludes with several economic policy guidelines, which highlight the changes needed in Spain to make vocational education and training better and more attractive, in line with the systems implemented by neighbouring countries, in order to reduce the high rates of youth unemployment and early school leaving.
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