Calls for Papers

Open Calls

4(1) Language Rights and the Teaching of Minoritised Languages

Guest editors: Anna Marzà & Joaquim Dolz

5(1) The Crossroads between Language Rights and Technology

Guest editors: Deborah Giustini & María Jiménez-Andrés

5(2) Linguistic Vulnerabilities and Translation and Interpreting in Transnational Patient Mobility

Guest editors: Sonja Pöllabauer & Katia Iacono

6(1) Diachronic Approaches in Legal Discourse on Minority Rights

Guest editors: Talita Serpa & Beatriz Curti-Contessoto


Past Calls

3(1) Interpreting for Vulnerable Populations

Guest editors: Lucía Ruiz Rosendo & Conor Martin

3(2) Gender and Ethnolinguistic Lawfare

Guest editors: Melissa Wallace & Esther Monzó-Nebot