Moving on the edge: a case study about activist identity in music teacher education in Chile


  • Felipe Javier Zamorano Valenzuela Universidad de Granada



Music Teacher’s Education, Activist Identity, Music Education, Standardization, Case Study.


The following paper is part of a research project that aims to understand the way in which the teacher identity is constructed in the education of music teacher at universities in Chile. We present the case of a study program to illustrate how a critical and political based learning allows the construction of an activist identity. We first introduce the identities that emerge in a context of structural control of the music teacher education, and then we proceed to present some of the conditions in which the activist identity can flourish. We briefly explain the methodological approach, and further on proceed to present the evidence obtained from the case study through document analysis, interviews, discussion groups, and observations. This evidence allows us to conclude that the learning approach in the study program, based on the curricular integration, pedagogical research, autonomic didactic, the reconstruction of the history of teachers, and the democratic, interdisciplinary, and open spaces, allows the flourishing of a politically-engaged identity, and it has an active purposeful approach, rather than a merely technical one for teaching.

Author Biography

Felipe Javier Zamorano Valenzuela, Universidad de Granada

Profesor de música y estudiante de doctorado en el programa de Ciencias de la Educación en la línea de investigación en educación musical de la Universidad de Granada.


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