Comparative analysis of initial teacher training for primary and secondary music teachers in Europe
Teacher Training, Music Education, Primary Education, Secondary Education.Abstract
Teacher training is undoubtedly one of the recurrent research issues due to its importance for the success of the educational system and its improvement has become a constant challenge in the educational field. The initial training of music teachers in primary and secondary education has very specific characteristics derived from the need for knowledge of a specific language, which is treated differently in many European countries. The aim of this study is to carry out a comparative analysis, using the technique of content analysis, of three research reports on the initial training of primary and secondary music teachers through a series of categories of analysis with the purpose of describing their organization and establishing similarities and differences. Among the main conclusions obtained, we observed that the training paths for the initial training of primary and secondary school teachers have similarities fundamentally in terms of the centers where they are taught and the type of degree obtained once the studies are completed, but they differ in the prerequisites for taking them, the years of study and the degree of specialization required for qualification as a music teacher at both levels.
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