Archilla Segade, H. (2019). Contributions around music and music education. How to generate change through teaching reflection. Cáceres: University of Extremadura. Editorial Service




Music Education, Teacher Reflection, Teacher Training.


The book reviewed here is the result of a collaborative work among teachers and is a choral work that represents different voices concerned about trying to improve music education, to transform classrooms and to do good work. This shared approach, essential in the work, is captured from the very presentation in which the coordinator, Archilla, explicitly expresses his enthusiasm for having been able to materialize this publication "imagined for several years". With a marked didactic character, the complete text offers a wide range of musical experiences, in many cases interdisciplinary, carried out in pre-school, primary and secondary education, as well as in the field of teacher training. Throughout ten chapters, the authors of the book have in common a commitment to put into practice innovative methodologies that expand the expressive and creative possibilities, which reflects a reflective teaching thought and an educational questioning of the established.

Author Biography

María Elena Riaño, Universidad de Cantabria

Departamento de Educación, Facultad de Educación. Profesora Contratada Doctora. 


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