Construction of a perceptive scale to evaluate the quality of the singing voice




Vocal education, vocal quality, singing voice, perceptive rating scale.


In the context of vocal education, the most common pedagogical resource tends to be the verbal exchange between teacher and student. It is often difficult, however, for the participants to select the terms to be used in this discourse, as the concepts expressed are often complex and open to varying interpretations.  The aim of this research is to attempt to form a consensus on some of these concepts in order to use them to build a scale to assess the quality of the lyrical singing voice. After several months of internal debate among the authors, multiple potential versions of the scale were developed and then distributed in the form of a questionnaire to 22 experts in the field in order to gather their input and create the most reliable possible scale. Finally, a smaller discussion was held with seven participants and key investigators. The final scale was then configured by defining 12 parameters, with the construction of visually perceptual scale featuring binary oppositions of adjectives divided into 10 sections. This scale that resulted from this process is considered a valid instrument for the perceptual assessment of the lyrical singing voice.

Author Biographies

Josep Vila-Rovira, Universitat Ramon Llull

Profesor del Grado de Logopedia y del Grado de Educación

Departamento de Psicologia

Ainhoa Merzero, Conservatorio Profesional de Música Francisco Escudero de San Sebastián

Profesora de Canto por oposición del Conservatorio Profesional de Música "Francisco Escudero" de San Sebastián

Ana Laucirica, Universidad Pública de Navarra  

Titular de Universidad (Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación/Human and Educational Sciences)


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