Contributions of improvisation practice to the development of performance skills: a study of classical music performers’ perceptions


  • Arantza Lorenzo de Reizábal



Music, performance, creative activities, music education.


The aim of this work is to know the thoughts of classical music performers about the role played by musical improvisation in their initial training. The sample is made up of 59 subjects with degrees in classical music performance or who are in the last year of these musical teachings and three specialists in improvisation. The research methodology used is quantitative and qualitative and uses the questionnaire and the in-depth interview as tools for data collection. The results obtained have allowed us to specify some of the most beneficial contributions of the practice of improvisation to the development of performative skills and abilities, and to organize them into three categories: cognitive, musical, and psychological. Thus, due to their importance, we highlight the development of creativity, the learning of harmony, the improvement of musical expressiveness, musical memory, and stage presence. The conclusion reached is that improvisation can be a very useful practice, which should accompany classical music performance students throughout their training process.


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