Scenic Anxiety in Professional Music Education Studies Learners’
Musicians, education, stress, conservatory, MPA.Abstract
Music Performance Anxiety (MPA) is a subjective construct of a maladaptive type created by the musician himself. This problem triggers a series of physical, cognitive, and behavioural symptoms that lead to a decreased interpretive effectiveness in public and a risk to the overall health of the sufferer. Therefore, this is a problem that affects musicians, both students and professionals, and constitutes a real obstacle to their careers. In this work, the level of MPA has been measured in learners of Professional Music Education Studies in Murcia (Southeast of Spain). For this purpose, the Spanish version of the K-MPAI (Kenny-Music Performance Anxiety Inventory) questionnaire was given to a sample of 403 students. The results indicate that the factors of MPA that reach higher levels are anxious apprehension, proximal somatic anxiety, and worry/dread. It is concluded that women, wind instrumentalists, students whose parents are musicians, as well as those who have studied music for more years present higher levels of AEM compared to their comparison group counterparts.
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