The impact of an intergenerational choral singing experience as a channeling vehicle for emotions, values, motivations, and learning
Choral singing, Service-Learning, Secondary Education, Didactics of Music.Abstract
This research designs, applies and evaluates a Service-Learning (SL) project of intergenerational choral singing (students of Secondary Education and seniors of a nursing home in a first proposal) to study its effect on issues of learning and quality of life. The qualitative methodology through action research proposes this study through the replication of the initial project in four centers for two consecutive years. After the processing of data and the analysis of results, recurrent themes arise in all the participants. The relevance of choral singing in Secondary Education as a key element for the emotional and personal development of adolescents, the educational practice of the SL as a facilitator of this activity, the enrichment of the intergenerational relationship and the personal, professional and social benefits provided by the project are evident.
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