Psychometric properties and standard-setting study of the Piano Performance Test for prospective teachers




Music-education, piano performance, pre-service teachers, inter-rater reliability, rubric, standard-setting.


The purpose of this study was to investigate the psychometric properties of the Piano Performance test for Elementary School Teachers and to undertake a standard-setting study for this scale. This study included three groups of participants: students (n=100), raters (n=2) used to test the psychometric features of the musical instrument performance test and experts (n=6) for the standard-setting study of the test. In this study, the researchers developed a music performance test and analytical rubric. The results showed that the one-factor structure was appropriate for the musical instrument performance test, which explained 66% of the total variance. The Cronbach Alpha coefficient showed that the internal consistency of the scale was acceptable (.83). Moreover, generalizability studies and the intra-class correlation coefficient indicated excellent rater reliability for the scale. The results of the item discrimination analysis show that the musical instrument performance test is capable of discriminating participants who had high and low levels of ability to play the piano.


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