Analysis of an intergenerational music education project in initial teacher training: a case study




Intergenerational Programs, Music Education, Elderly, Preservice Teachers.


This article analyses the experience of an intergenerational music education project aimed at a group of dependent elderly people, with the participation of primary school pupils and led by a group of university students, future music teachers. Numerous studies reveal the positive impact of music on physical, cognitive, and emotional abilities in old age. This is a stage of life in which an increasing percentage of the population find themselves in a situation of vulnerability and social exclusion. Employing qualitative methodology, a triangulation of sources has been carried out through the use of various data collection techniques and instruments: logs, interviews, a research diary, and document analysis. The results reveal that the project, through the mediation of music, has favoured the elderly participants’ (re)cognition, an improvement in their well-being and their social inclusion as a group. It has also fostered the emergence of civic values in children and preservice teachers, elements necessary for a fairer and more egalitarian society. Finally, the encounter between generations made it possible to create a space for dialogue, encounter, and community participation.

Author Biographies

José-Luis Parejo, Departamento de Pedagogía, Universidad de Valladolid

José-Luis Parejo is a Pedagogy Lecturer at the University of Valladolid (Spain) and a member of the research group: "Curriculum and teacher training" (ICUFOP) (Hum-267) of the University of Granada. He has a BA degree in Pedagogy from the University of Salamanca, an MA in Participative Investigation and a Ph.D. in Theory and History of Education (with Honors) from the Complutense University of Madrid. He was previously a technical advisor to the State Council of University Students (CEUNE). He was the UNESCO Chair in University Policy and Management at the Madrid Polytechnic University. He has been a visiting scholar at universities in Rome Tre, Ghana, Lisbon and National Autonomous University of Mexico. He also obtained a postdoctoral fellowship at the University College of London (Centre for Education and Democratic Citizenship) through a “José Castillejo” scholarship, which supports mobility of young doctors and is funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science. His line of research focuses on global citizenship, service-learning, teacher training, educational innovation, and renewal.

María-O Cortón-Heras, Departamento de Didáctica de la Expresión Musical, Universidad de Valladolid

Senior Lecturer in the area of Didactics of Musical Expression in the Segovia Faculty of Education, University of Valladolid since 1995. With extensive academic training in education and music education, linking both with the doctoral thesis defended in 2012 at the University of Valladolid with the title "Career guidance of specialist teachers in music education at the Teacher Training College of Segovia". Main lines of research: currently focused on the application of the Service Learning methodology to Education Degrees both in musical and non-musical projects (Practicum in the Degree); also life skills and values in initial teacher training; Formative Evaluation (being part of the Formative Evaluation Network since the year of its creation) in music education. In all of them, scientific articles have been published as a result of participation in numerous research projects, as well as communications in various international and national congresses.


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