Musical education in Italy between tradition and innovation


  • María Cecilia Jorquera Jaramillo Universidad de Sevilla



Music Education, Italy, Methodology.


A fact that can not be overlooked to understand how music education fits into its context the meaning, that is, the value that is assigned to music by society. This, of course, is not unfair to Italy, but to any nation. The particular situations of individual publishers reflect how music is considered by the community and the individuals that make up the music. Certainly, the history of every single territory is a determining factor in the results: the value of music and music education is surely the result of a long sociocultural elaboration in which many events of various nature are interwoven. But considering Italian history to understand the reasons that led to the late attribution of educational value to music in the school would be too long and therefore we will consider the value that is assigned to music in terms of institutional choices here. From the programs issued by the Ministry of Education for lesbians, starting with the maternal one and beginning with the beginning of the Republic, we can deduce useful data to understand today's reality without having to look into the history of the past centuries.

Author Biography

María Cecilia Jorquera Jaramillo, Universidad de Sevilla

Didáctica de la Expresión Musical


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