Quantitative methods in educational-musical research


  • Ana Laucirica Universidad Pública de Navarra




Quantitative Methods, Educational-Musical Research, Psychology of Music.


The Psychology of musical aptitudes, framed in the field of the Psychology of Music, raises a research aimed at knowing the qualities of available human resources or training for musical interpretation and creation. In this field of research, therefore, areas related to perception and musical skills are involved. The psychometric tests as a system for the measurement of musical aptitudes had at the beginning of the century and even later a great repercussion. The interest they generate justifies the international extension of some of them, such as the Seashore, Bentley and Gordon tests (which do not require learning) or the tests of Colwell and Aliferis (which measure the results of the latter). There are also tests that measure a subject's interest in music (the Gaston Test) or the sensitivity to it (Adler's, Taylor's, Long's or Bradley's).

Author Biography

Ana Laucirica, Universidad Pública de Navarra

Area de Didáctica de la Expresión Musical. Departamento de Psicología y Pedagogía


