Reflections on innovation and research in the teaching of music in Catalonia


  • Enriqueta Barniol i Terricabras Universitat Rovira i Virgili



Research, Music Education, Catalonia.


For years, attendance at training courses and activities has been fundamentally the only avenues of training in the fields of innovation and research. One consequence of the little research done was the fact that the evaluation of innovative activities implemented was totally Subjective A material was considered adequate and / or quality according to "a sixth sense" or an intuition that came from a theoretical frame of reference not explicit. The referents-active pedagogy, the importance of experimentation, fieldwork, group work, the use of varied resources, etc.-were common to most attendees of training courses and activities. The evaluation was positive if all these characteristics were met. It is for this reason that teachers who want to advance in their profession currently have two training needs: A) On the one hand, they want to know the theoretical frameworks in which music education is currently developed, in addition to its historical evolution. B) On the other hand, teachers need to learn methodology to know what is happening in their classroom, in other centers, in their country in relation to the teaching-learning of music. Show that being this discipline of recent scientific treatment There is no consolidated research team: groups of university researchers and teachers of general education and music in active use should be created with the support of the relevant educational institutions, in order to achieve mutual enrichment and full of results. We must point out a characteristic that can contribute to delimit this intervention: the research in Music Education in our country does not have the tradition or the baggage that other disciplines can have. It is, therefore, a relatively young field of knowledge.


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Best, J.W. (1970). Como investigar en educación. Madrid: Morata.

Barniol, E. (1995). Didáctica de la Expresión Musical. Tarragona: URV.






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