Roundtable: "Research as a project for the future". Implications of Music in the curriculum of Early Childhood Education


  • Julia Bernal Universidad de Granada



Music Education, Early Childhood Education, Music Education.


The present work has the purpose of knowing how are carried out in the daily reality the musical contents of the curriculum of Infant Education in the Andalusian community. The first part of this research was developed from a participant observation in different Centers of Infantile Education of Granada; We have used individual, unstructured or semi-structured interviews and opinion, which have allowed us to discover different characteristics of the situations presented, which has clarified some aspects of participant observation, as well as other approaches of our hypotheses. Subsequently we planned a questionnaire, which would reflect as far as possible the musical educational reality of the children's education centers in our Community, and be able to carry out a quantitative study that forced to adopt concrete strategies. This study, has been completed with the Analysis of the different curricula and programs of the subjects of "Music" that have been carried out in the different Teacher Training Centers of the Universities of Andalusia (preschool specialty). In other words, we have carried out a two-way investigation, aimed at knowing the practical reality of the curriculum of Early Childhood Education and the role that music plays in it, starting from two sources: The Children's School (what is done with music in Different ages?), And the training of their teachers (analysis of Music Plans and Programs); All with the purpose of proposing a curriculum of music with those activities that must be performed by children from birth to six years. Every person related to the little ones knows of the powerful attraction that the music exerts and its different manifestations in these ages, next to the affective load that implies but does it give the specialist professor to him the importance that has? Do you know its characteristics as a motivating and globalizing axis of other learning? ... The conviction that music contributes to both emotional and intellectual development, while favoring the acquisition of other learning from the earliest ages, has been the motive and The thread of the present work.






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