Action research in the context of Music Education


  • María Manuela Jimeno Universidad Pública de Navarra



Adapt, Organize, Structure, Interrelation, Convergence, Attitude, Aptitude, Divergence, Complexity, Science, Art.


Research that proposes a framework to adapt, organize, structure and interrelate the "Curriculum" of Music Schools (3-12 years) and Music Education in: Infant and Primary Education (3-12 years), analyzing convergences and divergences, Music in its duality of Science and Art. This research, conducted by Mª Manuela Jimeno, was carried out with the participation of a team of teachers of Primary and Secondary Education as well as Music Schools. The research that we present is being carried out at the moment in several Centers of the Foral Community of Navarre under the Sponsorship of the Government of Navarre, Department of Education and Culture. The Theoretical approach and Analysis of the proposals is carried out in the Public University of Navarra, from 1995 to date. The purpose of this pedagogical-musical project is to achieve for children between 3 and 12 years of age a balanced musical culture and formation, a deeper approach to the musical event, betting on the unity and convergence of the "Resumes" as the backbone, With the dual purpose of serving as basic training for some, and as training and more specific preparation, for those others who possess the qualifications to qualify for the medium level tests of the regulated Music Teachings, or serve as a basis for the opening to others Itineraries of expression ARTÍSTICA.El approach of the research that we present gives us the opportunity to reflect and analyze about: Our conception of the student. Our conception of Ecological Research and the situation of Research in Action. The Work hypotheses. How we do a practical session. The created Model that is followed in the Investigation. Valuation of Data and Conclusions obtained to date.

Author Biography

María Manuela Jimeno, Universidad Pública de Navarra

Departamento de Psicología






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